A downloadable game

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The jungle is a symphony. Underbrush squelches beneath your feet. Vines writhe and twist on the trees beside you, or are they snakes? Birds sing their absent songs up above, crooning with human tongues not spoken in an age. 

There is a howl in the dark. You are all alone out here. An interloper trespassing in territory not meant for homo sapiens. The howls grow louder. There is the banging of sticks on trunks, unseen in the canopy, the chorus of a warpath headed right for you. 

The doom-apes are coming for you. Will you be eaten? 

Or will you escape the vale?

This hexcrawl is dedicated to all the Monkeys that ignore the player characters of MÖRK BORG but love them anyways. Even when they get a flail to the face or end up in the belly of a Gutworm.

VALE OF STINKING FUR is an independent production by Asher Winnie and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License. MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell. 


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ValeofStinkingFur_MORKBORGCompatible.pdf 1.2 MB


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Evocative as hell. I can almost smell the Doom Apes approaching...

Thanks! Evocative like a howl in the night